Our laboratory is set with machines and equipment purchased from the reliable German company (IPT Co.). Our products in pipe and fittings section are subject to strict quality control programs that monitors three critical aspects of the manufacturing process: the incoming raw material, pipe and fittings production and finished good.
Incoming raw material is tested to ensure that it meets all standards requirements before being
released for production. During production, pipe and fittings will be physically tested to ensure that its
dimensional, mechanical and physical characteristics are full compliance with the requirements of the standards
they are produced to. The finished produced is subjected to standards below, to insure that it has met all the
applicable specifications and requirements.
In Water Section:
- Iranian National Standard INSO14427-3
- International Standard ISO 4427-3 & EN12201-3
In Gas Section:
- Iranian National Standard INSO 11233-3
- NIGC IGS-M-PL-014-2
- International Standard ISO 4437-3 & EN1555-3